John & AnnaMarie Walker
Lead Pastors
John and AnnaMarie were both born and raised in the Las Vegas Valley and have been passionate about serving in the local church since childhood. God has led them on exciting adventures resulting in unique training opportunities that have birthed a hunger to lead His church into the future. Whether it was selling their possessions to move to England in 2011, returning to Las Vegas to plant a new church with no money and no people, or now leading Las Vegas Christian Church with passion and creativity, God has constantly spoken to them to create a way where there didn't always seem to be one. Proud to be native Las Vegans, they love Las Vegas and all of its quirks and culture. They are driven to see Las Vegans fall in love with Jesus and His bride, the Church because that's where peace and a satisfying life are found. They believe that Christ followers were created to have life to the fullest and that their daily walk should not be dull. A Christian's best life should consist of seasons of growth and times of celebration.